I recommend evolving this ability at level 16 or at level 11 if you are really ded in the early game (10+ kills)Įvolving your ulti will give you 3 charges of invis instead of 2 and each invis will last for 2 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds so total time of invis with normal R is 3 seconds and with evolved R is 6 secondsĮvolving ulti is only good in high elo where people understand how kha zix isolation works I therefore don´t recommend evolving R unless you are high elo (Diamond 1+) if you are high elo you should evolve your ulti at level 6 Kha Zix E evolved will give you longer range on your leap and will reset on kill/assist this ability is really good to evolve when really fed where you can jump in oneshot someone and reset jump out again super fast I recommend evolving W second on kha zix at level 11 This insane AOE slow gives insane amount of utility for you and your team and can help you chase enemies down, kite enemies etc. Kha Zix W Evolve makes Kha Zix W split into 3 spikes that fires in a cone, if enemy is hit by 1 of these spikes they will be slowed for 60% if the target is isolated when hit by one of these spikes they are slowed for 90% I recommend evolving Q first on Kha Zix for the strong dueling power spike at level 6

Kha Zix Q evolve gives Kha Zix 50 bonus range on his Q and 60% cool down refund if the enemy target is isolated when you use Q on them (only versus champions) Make sure you're there to counter gank since aside from Bear Stance and some slight tankiness from Turtle Stance, he doesn't have much to offer in terms of ganking power." Odds are he's going to either gank after seeing his camps are gone or take rift/drake, depending on where he is. If you can't do this, invade and take two or so camps while warding the entrance. If he doesn't invade, try to track his movements.

If he tries to invade, spam ping where he is and collapse on him with laners so long as you have CC and can close off his escape paths. The other way he can counter you outside of dueling is through splitpushing and being able to build tanky earlier while still dealing damage.

Don't be afraid to get both ult procs off when fighting him. You also need to care for PTA, which means you need to ult before he gets that third auto off on you, otherwise you're going to take a lot more bleed damage.Watch out if he runs Phase Rush, since he will be able to keep up with you through Void Assault which will make it much more difficult to kite him. You'll need Q evolve first to have a chance when it comes to dueling him otherwise try to not take many 1v1s.

Relatively hard to outplay but, generally, as long as you're not behind in kills you can duel him with duskblade and Void Assault.